Saturday, July 7, 2012

Hello one and all!

Hi all! Dae here, once again your fearless leader is back for an update. Sorry for the long delay but at least we didn't go another six months this time around.

If you're reading this on the blog you can see that there have been some snazzy little changes. If you're getting this from the e-mail, vampirefreaks or newsletter, go on over to and check it out. This is now operations central for everything Era Nocturna from now on. Now that the days of the .coms and MySpace are overwith we're sort of scratching our heads about what to do for a homebase on the interwebs and we decided this was a good place to start until we get it all sorted out. Our secondary place is going to be reverbnation. That will be the place to go for any and ALL music so we HIGHLY suggest that you sign yourselves up on there pronto because there are some exciting things in the works musically. What is that you ask? Well we'll tell you...

Right now yours truly is finishing up a 4 track demo, that is 4 songs not a 4 track recorder, with Laurent Hydrus from Macedonia. This is quite exciting as this is will be the first time you'll be hearing me singing on some new material since 2008.

Shaun is also working on some mysterious new material that will or will not/may or may not end up as Era Nocturna material but you could potentially hear snippets of this on the reverbnation page.

We will be releasing this to people exclusively that are signed up on the page so go on over to and sign up today so that you don't miss out on ANYTHING.

The biggest news of all is that on August 4th we will be returning to the stage in Pittsfield Mass. Sharing that night with us will be Amber Spyglass, Forever Autumn, The Spiritual Bat, Antidote for Annie, and Vi. This night is going to be a goddamn festival. As usual it's 18+ (sorry guys in the under 18 crowd :(, we're working to get an all ages show going somewhere!) and it starts at 7PM. We really hope to see as many as we can there because this is going to be a night to remember for sure.

So your homework as a review:

go to our blog if you're not reading this there: - sign up and become a member on that

go to Reverb Nation - sign up and become our fan so that you don't miss exclusive tracks because everything new that we post from now on WILL be exclusive - while you're there pick up a song or two, a ringtone, a CD, or even a t-shirt if you're feeling really generous and help show your support. Every little bit helps!

Signing off, peace be with you, stay cool, and don't forget your bug spray!

Dae, Shaun, sometimes Brian and Myron the Cat

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Well Damn....

It's been damn near six months since we last wrote anything on this blog and we DO sincerely apologize for this! It's been quite busy so we'll give you the low down in the Reader's Digest version:


We left off that our guitarist was let go shortly before the NYC show. Sadly this left us as a duo but we were very quickly joined by the awesome Brian Markelonis who brought some sick bass skills to the band. Having a show already booked at Chameleon's Nightclub to say good-bye to 2011, we were happy to bring him on board for the night to test him out and see how things would go. If you weren't there, let's just say you may have missed what was probably our most amazing show ever. But fear not, there are videos available to be seen. You can see us performing "If Only I Could" below:

The show was SUCH a success with the addition of Brian that we asked (more like hounded) him to stick around and he agreed and the rest is history as far as that is concerned. What was two became three once again.

January to June:

We wrote and wrote, and wrote some more. We basically have been plotting and editing for the next album ever since. We did take a nice long break. I mean, think about it, we were gigging almost every month non-stop from July until December. Remember that one stretch there where we played two gigs back to back? I mean, holy shit, it was almost like a real tour there for a minute. We really were like, "Holy shit!" Or at least I was after that... when I could talk again. I'd lost my voice after the Elf Parlor show for about an hour which I'm pretty sure people were glad for because I tend to be the talkative one in the band. So, yeah, we took a few months off, started recording again and landed a kick ass feature with Carpe Nocturne Magazine where they feature us talking about ourselves every quarter. We basically tell the readers what we're up to, like a blog, and in turn we promote the mag. It's a nice little trade off :)

Now we're in the middle of this huge show that's coming up on June 2nd back at Chameleon's Night Club in Pittsfield Mass. Think of it as a Halloween party but in June. All amazing bands (Forever Autumn, Vi, Streak, and Era Nocturna of course). 18+, raffles, costumes, dancing, plenty of parking, and it'll be warm so you can come out in your best finery and not be cold. We'll have plenty of CD's, we'll be doing photo ops, and hanging out to chat with everyone so we want to see you there.

So that's what's up. Sorry it's been so long. We've MISSED you!

With love,
